













 Introduction by María Berbara, Roberto Conduru and Vera Beatriz Siqueira | DOI: 10.52913/19e20.X1.00b

The pre-Hispanic tradition in Ricardo Rojas’ Americanist proposal: an analysis of El Silabario de la Decoración americana (The Syllabary of American Decoration)  by María Alba Bovisio | DOI: 10.52913/19e20.X1.01b

Katú Kama-rãh: friendship, image and text according to Algot Lange by Raphael Fonseca | DOI: 10.52913/19e20.X1.02b

The poetic ethnography of Correia Dias: a tour of indigenous traditions from Dias’ mythical pool by Amanda Reis Tavares Pereira | DOI: 10.52913/19e20.X1.04b

The modernist experience in travels: some possibilities by Renata Oliveira Caetano | DOI: 10.52913/19e20.X1.05b


Under the Designs of Gods: Il Guarany and Atzimba by Jaime Aldaraca Ferrao | DOI: 10.52913/19e20.X1.06b

Sculpture and indianism(s) in 19th century Brazil by Alberto Martín Chillón | DOI: 10.52913/19e20.X1.07b


New World Portraits  by Jacqueline Medeiros | DOI: 10.52913/19e20.X1.08b

Figari, Goeldi, Africanity - contexts by Roberto Conduru | DOI: 10.52913/19e20.X1.09b

