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Submissions guidelines
.. To publish an article in 19&20, send your data and the abstract or, if you wish, the article already finished to the e-mail address dezenovevinte@yahoo.com.br
We do not distinguish between different academic degree and we accept
articles submitted by all the researchers that are developing studies
about Brazilian art from the Nineteenth and beginning of the Twentieth
Century. The publication is conditioned, therefore, strictly to the
adequacy to the aims of the journal (see About the journal).
In case of acceptance of the article, the editors will notify the
author. The material will be adjusted to the functional and visual
conception of the site and should be published in the following edition
in relation to that which would be online in the occasion of its
receipt. . The
articles should be followed, in preference, by a translation to a
foreign language (of the choice of the contributor). The translation
should be sent always in the last week previous to the month of the
publication (e.g.: deliver at the last week of September to articles
from the October’s edition). . Material to be published in 19&20 . . Articles:
that can be original or already published, having preferentially
between 7 and 40 pages. There are not a limited pre-established number
of images for each article, which should be accompanied with their
respective descriptive data; . . Primary Sources: digitalized
or transcribed documents, followed by a explicative text with circa
3000 characters with spaces, highlighting the importance of the
documents; the source of the documents should me cited. . Author’s copyrights and reservations . The texts presented in 19&20 are
of the entire responsibility of their authors. The authors hold the
copyright of the texts. The articles and reviews published in 19&20
can be reproduced, inasmuch as the sources are cited: author, name of
the article, name, volume and number of the journal, and as much
it is published without modifications in its content. .