Volume IV, issue 2 │ april
2009...............................................................ISSN 1981-030X
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Something beyond the modern: the afro descendant woman in the Brazilian painting at the beginning of the twentieth century by Maraliz de Castro Vieira Christo [Portuguese │ Français]
“The influence of the arts in civilization”: Eliseu Visconti and the stage curtain from Rio de Janeiro´s Municipal Theatre by Ana Heloisa Molina [Portuguese] In the Rio de Janeiro of the turn to the twentieth century, where progress was conceived as the great history vector, the ideas of “modern” and “modernity” were accomplished into symbolic marks and into images. One example is the stage curtain made by Eliseu Visconti between 1904 and 1908 for the Municipal Theatre of the then Federal Capital, in which a multitude of the greatest representatives of the Arts are congregated for the establishment of civilization in Brazil. Pedro Weingärtner and the Neo-Pompeian Painting by Camila Dazzi [Portuguese]
“It was a Brazilian land”: the representation of the Brazilian nation in the work of Antônio Parreiras by José Maurício Saldanha Álvarez [Portuguese] The works of Antonio Parreiras expresses the Brazilian search for its place in the world and the anthropophagic capture of a national identity inside an arch of international meaning. Being figured inside the scope of modernity, the paintings of Parreiras rewrites – with dyes, colors, brush strokes, chiaroscuro – the compromise with the European civilization in the tropics and strives to establish a rhetoric of images capable to compound the romance of the nation.
Alfredo Andersen: a Norwegian father to Paraná´s painting by Amélia Siegel Corrêa [Portuguese]
The recovery of Campo dos Goytacazes´s socio-cultural memory through the iconography of the German photographer Guilherme Bolckau by Mônica Scarpat Zandonadi, Almerinda da Silva Lopes and Leonardo da Silva Vasconcelos [Portuguese] The works of the German photographer Guilherme Bolkau, who worked in Brazil in the nineteenth century, reveals to us the memory of the city of Campos dos Goytacazes, in the Rio de Janeiro. The photographic images are loaded with meanings brought from the social reality, even when that reality is not the direct motive of the representation: to take a walk through Bolckau´s photographs is, therefore, to dive into his cultural universe, marked by the poetry, subtleties, sensibilities and history of an epoch.
The Gardens of Challet´s Ranch: an analysis of Glaziou actions in Nova Friburgo by Camila Dias Amaduro [Portuguese]
Revista do Brasil [Brazil´s Magazine] (1916-1918) – Articles and Art Criticisms organization by Arthur Valle [Portuguese] . Documents about Rodolpho Amoêdo organization by Márcia Valéria Teixeira Rosa [Portuguese] . |